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Measure U is a half-cent sales tax that will help revitalize Sebastopol and maintain our necessary city services. This sales tax is essential for the City of Sebastopol to deliver the services residents want and need, and to maintain our aging infrastructure. Help invest in Sebastopol's unique charm and community spirit!

All the revenue generated from the Measure U sales tax will STAY in Sebastopol; the County and State cannot claim it in any way. The tax is applied to all who shop & dine in Sebastopol (tourists & visitors included). The tax expires after 12 years and will be part of annual audits. 

Small cities that are located off major transportation corridors have difficulty generating enough sales tax revenue to cover their expenses.  Larger cities that are next to freeways have “big box” retail stores or retailers that sell “high ticket” (over $1,000 dollars) items. This means their retail sales average is much higher per resident and they are able to generate more sales tax revenue which results in more income that they can use to maintain their city services. Measure U is the solution we need for our community!

This new local revenue source will improve our quality of life. Members of our current City Council plus many community leaders and former Sebastopol mayors and councilmembers urge YES on Measure U! 

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Paid for by Yes on U for Sebastopol's Future
FPPC # Pending

Photography by Kelsey Joy Photography
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