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Why Vote Yes on Measure U?

It is time to generate new dedicated revenue to maintain necessary services such as public safety, emergency preparedness, roads, infrastructure, parks, and community services. The revenue generated from Measure U will provide local funding to maintain the city's financial stability and help ensure a bright future for Sebastopol.

Support Emergency Response Services

Funds could go toward 9-1-1 and other emergency response services, such as medical, police, and fire response. It could also help enhance wildfire and emergency preparedness and education efforts. 

Maintain Sidewalks and Streets

Funds from Measure U could be used to help maintain and repair local sidewalks and streets, including pothole repairs and paving.

Fund Community Services

Funds could provide much-needed support for community-based services including our Senior Center, the Community Center, Ives pool, and the Sebastopol library.

Stabilize our City's Finances

Revenue from Measure U is part of a critical next step for Sebastopol's financial future. Sebastopol has faced mounting budgetary challenges over the years, with an unsustainable reliance on one-time funds, slashing programs, and deferring maintenance. The funds generated from Measure U could generate an additional $1.5M annually.

In conjunction with the city’s ongoing efforts to identify creative financial solutions to bring in more revenue and reduce spending, this tax will ensure a brighter future for Sebastopol!

Paid for by Yes on U for Sebastopol's Future
FPPC # Pending

Photography by Kelsey Joy Photography
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